Is it medically safe to stop medication without tapering down?
In general, when taken for obesity without diabetes, it is safe to stop taking GLP-1s/combined GLP-1s without a special discontinuation schedule, but it is always important to inform your primary care physician and/or endocrinologist about any changes to your care, including a pause of medicine. If you have a comorbidity such as diabetes, your blood sugar management may need to be adjusted.
Most people won’t experience any significant withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing GLP-1s/combined GLP-1. If you do experience any new symptoms, however, you should reach out to the Calibrate Clinical Team in your Calibrate App. Please remember that messaging via the app should not be used for urgent care or medical emergencies.
When you are able to restart your medication, the Clinical Team will generally start you back on your same dose if you’ve missed two doses or fewer of a weekly GLP-1/combined GLP-1. If you’ve missed more than two doses or are changing to a new brand of medication, the Medical Team may recommend restarting at a lower dose to avoid any temporary increase in side effects.
Please note that these recommendations are intended only for Calibrate members whose medication has been prescribed by a Calibrate provider.