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The Sleep Pillar

Sleep Program Goal

Develop a schedule that improves sleep quality and supports seven to nine hours of restful sleep per night.

Here's Why

If sleep came in pill form, we’d call it a miracle drug. Cellular repair and muscle growth both occur during sleep, as do functions connected to immunity, energy, and brain health. Sleep is also imperative to lowering blood sugar and inflammation, balancing hunger/fullness hormones, and ensuring the areas of the brain tied to cravings don’t get overstimulated. 

Why seven to nine hours? It’s the amount that decades of studies have shown most adults need to stay metabolically healthy and get the most out of all these important benefits.


We want to set you up for sleep success, and the best way to do that is to help you develop the habits that will support a full seven to nine hours every night. If you’re already hitting that target, then great! Maybe we can tighten those habits for when times get bumpy. Alternatively, this might be a brand new challenge for you; we’re absolutely here for that, too. We know that people start from different places, and we’ve designed Calibrate to accommodate everyone.


From your environment and schedule to the supplements you can take, find tools and inspiration for the restful sleep that will best support your metabolic health.

Want an additional helping hand getting on a healthy sleep schedule? Look below for products and supplements our coaches and Expert Council members suggest.

Learn More

Pillar Pages are your roadmaps for the Calibrate program. Explore them all: Food Pillar (+ Metabolic Jumpstart Page), Sleep Pillar, Exercise Pillar, and Emotional Health Pillar.