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Cash Out Card

On an index card or piece of paper, sketch out a 7-day grid that looks like this:

Two walks a day for seven days is 14 walks. Life happens, and you’ll probably miss some. So your goal is to hit 11. Do this and you’ll have maintained around 80% adherence. Anything more is a bonus. Anything less is room for improvement. Here’s how you’ll track it: When you take a post-meal walk, put a check in the corresponding box. When you don’t, leave it blank. At the end of the week, tally up your numbers and see how you did. Your goal is to have a 0 net. Get that and you’ve won the week. Here’s one way that might look on your grid:

In this example above, you can see how it’s possible to miss a walk in a single day, but still win the week. That flexibility coupled with a short term win will keep you on track. The power of this exercise is in its simplicity. Keep it simple and stay on track, for real results.